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ZERO is the Italian Cleantech Accelerator of the National Accelerator Network of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), launched by CDP Venture Capital Sgr - National Innovation Fund, Eni, Zest and ELIS, and supported by Corporate Partners Acea, Maire Tecnimont, Microsoft and Vodafone.


Innovation is a cycle.

Build, advance, blaze a path and then start over. Each time, with infinite potential.

ZERO is the starting point to make things better, sooner.

For those who are aware that a faster transformation process is crucial in every Industry. That technological innovation is a push to reverse the trend of this exorbitant growth, making it sustainable.

ZERO is committed to rebuild collective habits on solid and lasting pillars: decarbonisation, renewable resources, intelligent waste management and circular economy.

ZERO is contributing to carbon neutrality.

ZERO is contributing to change.

ZERO is contributing to transformation.

ZERO is the meeting point between those who have a solution in mind and those who can offer tools and skills to make it happen.



We created ZERO to intercept startups with great business potential and a zero-impact in terms of emissions.

The Road to Zero shared around the world aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050: all the technologies, products and services that contribute to the protection and maintenance of natural resources are needed.

The future belongs to them.

€ 80k

of investment for every startup

5 months

Acceleration Program

Cosa Cerchiamo

What we are looking for

Software Startups

with a working MVP

Hardware Startups

Working prototype and roadmap defined for mass production

Alternative sources of energy

Solutions to decarbonise energy production, transport and storage.

  • Energy efficiency

  • Energy independence

  • Energy transition

  • Energy harvesting

  • Carbon neutrality

  • New energy sources

  • Hydrogen

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Sustainable Operational Excellence

Solutions to digitise energy, industrial and production systems and reduce environmental impact.

  • Smart Logistics

  • Life Cycle Assessment

  • Climate change forecasting

  • Sustainable forecasting

  • Smart grid

  • Energy management process optimisation

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Circular Economy & Waste Management

Solutions to manage, valorise and recycle waste materials and transform them into new resources.

  • Waste management

  • Green supply chain

  • Green building

  • Air and water quality improvement

  • Life Cycle Thinking

  • Reconditioning and reuse

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Sustainable and connected communities

Solutions for the sustainable development of cities, infrastructure, and land.

  • Sustainable conservation of land

  • Green infrastructure

  • Deep decarbonisation in cities and transportation

  • Sustainable development of the metropolis

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The Call is closed

How the selection works

All applications will be evaluated and the best ones will pitch their projects  during the Selection Day. Up to 12 of them will have access to the Program.

The Program in short

€ 80k

Up to € 80K of investment in cash for an equity of 5 to 10%.


180+ perks equal to € 2M in cloud, prototyping, SEO, marketing, customer support and payments


1 year of workstations for your team at the Eni Polo in Rome Ostiense

Open Innovation

Matching between the best startups selected with 100+ Corporates of the LVenture Group and ELIS network


5 months of Acceleration + 6 months as a Resident post Program


200+ Investors


Access to other financing channels focussed on Sustainable Development Goals


Goods, services and in-kind transactions offered by Corporate Partners

Il Programma







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